Flaming Squirrel Seed Sauce™ is a nutritional birdseed supplement that contains all natural, 100% food grade ingredients with a super-hot and spicy flavor. Birds love the taste of this liquid chili pepper formula exploding with tons of Cajun spice. Chock full of vitamins A and D as well as carotene, chili peppers are an excellent natural source of nutrition for birds. When mixed with your favorite birdseed, Flaming Squirrel Seed Sauce is a 100% all natural and chemical free way to get more bird visits than ever before. Cole’s line of HOT products are guaranteed to make your feeders an exclusive Birds-Only café.
Ingredients: Food-grade Liquid Habanero Chili Pepper, Soybean Oil
- Get more bird visits than ever before!
- 100% All natural and chemical free ingredients.
- The hottest formula of food grade chili concentrate ready to mix with your favorite seed. Just remember to wear gloves and wash up after mixing.
- No diluting necessary – ready to use instantly.
- While most effective with shelled seeds and nuts, it works wonders on all types of wild bird feed, seed, and suet.
- Bluebirds, cardinals, wrens, buntings, finches – along with most beautiful songbirds can’t get enough of this Cajun delight.